Hi, im Jess
Have you ever created a blog?
Me either this is my first time so here are a few things about me. I’m an ordinary gal who is introverted but loves to talk… yeah these two traits don’t mix very well so here I am typing instead. I’m a former medical assistant but I’m currently a stay at home mom. As much as I should be out in the field working ( due to this economy), I don’t have it in me to let someone else take care of my baby boy so here we are toughing it out.
I’m married by heart to a handsome lad and we have a crazy female dutch shepherd. She keeps us active since she needs to be drained of her energy everyday, otherwise she’s just a psychopath with 4 legs.
I’m a food junkie, I love to eat and cook new recipes off Pinterest. I removed myself from social media about 3yrs ago and have been living under a rock ever since. I rely on Pinterest and YouTube for any DIY crafts, yummy recipes, fitness tips and more. We don’t gatekeep here so ill be sharing all my findings here with you.